
We encourage individuals, organizations, and corporations, particularly those within the quantum technology sector, to participate in this UN-declared year of Quantum Science and Technology and use our website to let everyone know what you are doing.

We invite you to celebrate IYQ by organizing your own quantum-related event throughout the year, participating in national events such as Quantum Canada Open Doors, or by partnering with other groups to be part of a bigger festival.

Use this form to submit information about events taking place in Canada that you would like to have appear on this webpage.

IYQ Canada will promote coordinated events throughout Canada at the national, regional and local levels.  To support IYQ Canada, tag your event with #quantumcanada2025 and share these exciting events on your social media to help increase visibility and engagement.

Large-scale events could also be posted on the UNESCO International website to highlight Canadian events at the international level.


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