Become a Sponsor

Sponsoring IYQ Canada Initiatives

All stakeholders in quantum science and technology, including – but not limited to – scientific organizations, universities, charitable foundations, and private sector companies, are invited to support and benefit from IYQ 2025.We are also happy to offer everyone the opportunity to sponsor the IYQ Canada team’s activities that we are hoping to undertake throughout the year.  Activities planned by the team (so far) include a nation-wide student design competition for IYQ Canada merchandise, a nation-wide Quantum Day celebration “Quantum Canada Open Doors”, the production and distribution of Quantum education outreach kits for teachers, the production of a special issue of Physics in Canada, as well as dedicated Quantum conferences and local events, with more to be announced in the coming weeks. Sponsorship opportunities are outlined below.

Feel free to contact anyone on the IYQ Canada organizing team for more information on promoting your events.

Sponsorship Levels

The sponsorship form can be accessed by clicking here

The sponsorship program for the Canadian International Year of Quantum Science and Technology offers a variety of opportunities for organizations to get involved and demonstrate their support for this nationally-coordinated effort.   The various categories are described below and downloadable in pdf format.

Platinum – $5000

  • 1 page ad in the IYQ special issue of Physics in Canada or Promo story on the Canadian Association of Physicists (CAP) LinkedIn page
  • Acknowledgement in CAP-led IYQ Canada events
  • IYQ event sponsor for an event in your city or Province (where applicable)
  • Discounted Exhibitor fee at CAP Congress
  • Social media and LinkedIn tags on CAP’s IYQ Canada announcements
  • Largest size logo on IYQ Canada website and sponsorship slide deck under category
  • Acknowledgement at Canadian Association of Physicists booths during the year

Gold – $3000

  • Acknowledgement in CAP-led IYQ Canada events
  • IYQ title sponsor for a talk or panel event in your city or Province (where applicable)
  • Discounted Exhibitor fee at CAP Congress
  • Social media and LinkedIn tags on CAP’s IYQ Canada announcements
  • Medium size logo on IYQ Canada website and sponsorship slide deck under category
  • Acknowledgement at Canadian Association of Physicists booths during the year

Silver – $2000

  • Discounted Exhibitor fee at CAP Congress
  • Social media and LinkedIn tags on CAP’s IYQ Canada announcements
  • Small size logo on IYQ Canada website and sponsorship slide deck under category
  • Acknowledgment at Canadian Association of Physicists booths during the year

Bronze – $1500

  • Name on IYQ Canada website and sponsorship slide deck under category
  • Acknowledgment at Canadian Association of Physicists booths during the year

A pdf of the sponsorship opportunities can be viewed/downloaded by clicking here.


IYQ Canada thanks our Sponsors and Supporters:


Platinum-level sponsor/partner

Gold-level sponsors

Silver-level sponsors

In kind contributor


We acknowledge the support of the Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC). Nous remercions le Conseil de recherches en sciences naturelles et en génie du Canada (CRSNG) de son soutien.